Denise Weber Farquhar
Fitology Hub Member
What was your relationship to exercise before Fitology Hub?
My husband and I both worked in hospitality, which has meant we've lived all over the world, often living and working in high end hotels and resorts with fancy high-tech gyms. They always seemed very male-dominated and I never felt I belonged in them.
When we were living in Egypt, I wasn’t working, so I decided to try out the gym and had a male PT for a while. He was very nice, but he had no idea how to train a woman! It all felt very standardised - Go and do X minutes on this machine, then do X minutes on that - I never felt satisfied from the experience. I was always tired afterwards, but I definitely wasn't getting much stronger. There was never any sense of having a particular goal and my progress was never tracked. It was just a matter of getting it done. It felt quite lonely and I didn't enjoy it.
How has Fitology Hub impacted your life?
I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted when I first joined Fitology Hub and it really was like a lifeline to me. It was 2017, my youngest was 18 months old and I had just moved to London. I thought Fitology Hub would be a good way to meet other women, in a way that wasn't connected to my kids or my kids' school - a place where I could just be me.
I had quite severe abdominal separation that hadn’t been taken care of properly because we kept moving countries, which made continuity of care difficult. I had been looking into surgery to repair my separation, but I found I didn't need it with the care I received at Fitology Hub. That was the first immediate benefit I got from joining and then, little by little, I began to discover what my body could do.
Regaining my confidence and rebuilding my self-esteem has been huge for me. It just goes to show you what a difference little steps can make. I feel like anything can be achieved if we just give ourselves the time and space to take those first steps and then to have the right support in place so we can keep on taking them.
At Fitology Hub, I learned so much about how best to look after my body in a way that would leave me feeling good and energised. I learned all about technique and also how to pace myself and progress. I started with 1:1 training before integrating into group sessions, which are lovely and really fun.
Now, I train at the same time on a Monday morning and it has become the anchor to my week. It's a non-negotiable - so much so that it's become a factor in all my husband’s new work contracts. My Monday mornings are sacred - it's my time that belongs to me. It allows me to get into the rhythm of the week - to wake my body up and to boost my brain and mood. It gives me physical wellbeing - especially if I've had a lazy weekend of eating and drinking in front of the TV! Come Monday, it's always a reset at the Hub and the stability of this routine has done wonders for me.
I’ve been so inspired by women of all ages whom I've met through Fitology Hub, who are so strong and flexible and the sense of community and understanding has been so beneficial for me. It's been truly a light in my life and I know others feel the same. My 4:1 group is like a sisterhood and training with them has helped me a lot over the years. Even if I feel a bit tired and craggy on the way in, I can't help but smile and feel happy on the way out. It's the perfect start to my week!
I have so much respect and admiration for the whole team. I always feel secure that if I train with a new coach, who isn't my usual coach, that she will always carry the ethos of Fitology Hub too.
It's so inspiring to see Suzanne and Amber build a community and a service for women, that we didn't even know we needed, necessarily, to begin with, but once we find it, it becomes essential.
How has strength training impacted your life?
Strength training has done wonders for me! I'm very tall, so I always used to slouch a lot and I've not always known how to engage my core, which meant I often had back aches. The benefits of learning about my body - how to work through all its little quirks and to position myself better - has been amazing.
I started Engrained - my sustainable artisan granola business - in lockdown, so I spend a lot of my time hunching over a kitchen counter. I'm carrying and lifting 25 kilo sacks of oats and buckwheat and 20 kilo tubs of coconut oil all day. I could have badly injured myself so many times if I hadn't had the training in how to lift and carry heavy things.
I always find it really funny when the delivery guys, who drop off these huge pallets of ingredients, ask me if I'm going to be OK carrying it in. They usually have a look of doubt and concern on their faces when I tell them I can do it by myself, without any help. It's a real boost of confidence, like you have a superpower or something, when people don't expect you to be able to do physical things. It's so gratifying! Plus, it's fun to allow yourself to feel a bit smug sometimes!
When you first start strength training, you don't necessarily think about the real-life application of it. I love to hike with my kids, for example, but they're still quite little, so they get tired. I always end up having to carry them at some point and now I can carry them up a hill!
It's so good to say that out loud and to hear myself say that out loud. It's easy to forget how far I've come and it's great to be reminded. Fitology Hub has been really transformational to me - it's a special place.